About ProjectWhitetail

Hello, my name is Charles Bailey Jr. I’m a dedicated husband and father of five wonderful children (Ava, Noah, Elijah, Dakotah and Isaiah). I enjoy the outdoors and absolutely love studying, learning and sharing everything there is about Whitetail Deer. Having the opportunity to enjoy God’s creation is very special to me and close to my heart. Hunting and harvesting a trophy whitetail is rewarding but the true blessing is spending time with friends and family while creating memorable experiences along the way. Whether it’s hunting, planting food plots, altering the habitat or shed hunting there is always something to do on your hunting property with the ones you love.

Over the last 10 years I’ve spent thousands of hours diligently managing numerous whitetail properties ranging in size from fifty to hundreds of acres. During this time period we’ve learned one simple fact “not every hunting property is created equal”. There are many factors that need to be taken in to consideration when designing, developing and maintaining a successful whitetail hunting property. From our experience the three main pillars to any successful property plan are habitat, food/water and tactical. Not considering ALL three of these pillars and the role they will play in your property plan may result in poor performance and ultimately lead to disappointment.

At ProjectWhitetail we plan to document our journey as we manage a number of different hunting properties. Each hunting property will be classified under a unique project name and everything (HFT {Habitat, Food, Tactical} analysis, journal entries, step by step instructions, photos, videos, etc.) related to the project will be saved. Our goal is to share these whitetail projects with the hunting community and provide deer hunters with a complete template to begin improving their own hunting properties. As the old the saying goes… Rome was not built over night and neither will your hunting property. Make sure to have fun and always remember a whitetail project can provide a lot of joy when shared with friends and family!